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Creating an Azure Backend for terraform/opentofu

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Azure Blob Storage Backend

Terraform/Opentofu are leading tools for building and maintaining infrastructure
as code. However, there is a chicken and egg problem, in order to
have a terraform/opentofu backend, some infrastructure is needed. The backend can be an object
storage backend in AWS, GCP, Azure and many other providers.

This document describes the process for using Azure and is based on documentation which can
be found here.

The resources required in Azure are

- A storage account
- A container within the storage account
- A blob (object store) within the container

Blobs on azure storage accounts are quite feature complete for the purposes of a terraform/opentofu
backend perspective. The locking is builtin. The networking for the container is
configurable which has security benefits. In AWS, to get state locking, a dynamodb
table is needed which means creating an s3 bucket and a dynamodb table. That means more
steps - which is why I prefer to use Azure Blob Storage as my preferred terraform/opentofu backend.

Create the standalone azure resources

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A standalone resource group and storage container is created first in order
so that the subsequent resources can be deployed using terraform/opentofu and more highly
automated technologies.

Login to azure with the correct subscription

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In this instance, login with a user account. For subsequent resources where there
is greater automation, a service principal or managed identity can be used.

az login

Select the correct subscription

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az account list --output table

For these operations, we will use the your-subscription subscription.

az account set --subscription "your-subscription"

Get a list of possible locations

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az account list-locations -o table

Create the resource group in the desired location

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az group create \
  --verbose \
  --location northeurope \
  --resource-group your-subscription-standalone-rg \
  --tags \
    'managed-by=az-cli' \
    'environment=standalone' \
    'purpose=tf-backend' \

Create the azure storage account

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The purpose of the your-subscription-standalone-rg resource group is to
have a azure storage as a once off backend for subsequent terraform/opentofu operations
to create more terraform/opentofu backends.

az storage account create \
    --verbose \
    --location northeurope \
    --resource-group your-subscription-standalone-rg \
    --name your-tf-storage-account \
    --sku Standard_LRS \
    --kind BlobStorage \
    --access-tier Cool \
    --https-only true \
    --encryption-services blob \
    --min-tls-version TLS1_2 \
    --allow-blob-public-access false \
    --require-infrastructure-encryption false \
    --default-action Deny \
    --tags \
      'managed-by=az-cli' \
      'environment=standalone' \
      'purpose=tf-backend' \

Restrict traffic to the azure storage account

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Ip exceptions table

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<your_ip_block>/27 corresponds to a block of public IP addresses which you will allow access to the storage container.

The rationale behind this is to restrict access to the storage backend substantially and
therefore greatly increase the security of the backend.

allowed_ips=( <your_ip_block>/27 <your_ip> )
for ip in "${allowed_ips[@]}"; do
  az storage account network-rule add \
    --verbose \
    --resource-group your-subscription-standalone-rg \
    --account-name your-tf-storage-account \
    --action Allow \
    --ip-address "${ip}"
az storage account show \
  --verbose \
  --resource-group your-subscription-standalone-rg \
  --name your-tf-storage-account \
  --query '{"Storage Account Name":name, "Resource Group":resourceGroup, RuleSet:networkRuleSet}'

Create storage containers for the terraform/opentofu backends

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for az_storage_acccount_container in "${!az_storage_acccount_containers[@]}"; do
  az storage container create \
    --verbose \
    --account-name your-tf-storage-account \
    --resource-group your-subscription-standalone-rg \
    --name "${az_storage_acccount_container}" \
    --public-access "off" \

Initialize the terraform/opentofu backend

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Create the file in the main module

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terraform {
  backend "azurerm" {

Initialize the backend

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tofu init \
    -backend-config "resource_group_name=your-subscription-standalone-rg" \
    -backend-config "storage_account_name=your-tf-storage-account" \
    -backend-config "container_name=your-tf-container-name" \
    -backend-config "key=default.tfstate" \
    -backend-config "sas_token=your-sas-token"
Resource Notes
resource_group_name The azure resource group housing the azure storage account
storage_account_name The azure storage account housing the azure container
container_name The azure container name - housing the blob storage
key The key to access the blob storage. Defaults to default.tfstate
sas_token This key is used by terraform/opentofu to obtain permissions to read/write to the backend

Creating a sas token

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One way to create a sas token is described already at

The code is copied below which you can use to generate a new sas token

function generate_sas_key() {
    local subscription="${1}"
    local storage_account_name="${2}"

    if [[ -z "${storage_account_name}" ]]; then
        echo "variable storage_account_name must be set" >>/dev/stderr
        exit 1

    if [[ -z "${subscription}" ]]; then
        echo "variable subscription must be set" >>/dev/stderr
        exit 1

    az storage account generate-sas \
        --expiry "$(date -d "+1 days" +%Y-%m-%d)"'T00:00:00Z' \
        --permissions "acdlpruw" \
        --resource-types "co" \
        --services "b" \
        --account-name "${storage_account_name}" \
        --https-only \
        --subscription "${subscription}" \
        -o tsv

Wrap up

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This concludes the steps to create a terraform backend using azure. And this is the
method I use myself to create storage accounts for terraform backends where there is
a lack of existing infrastructure available as alternatives.

I would recommend you only use a backend that is highly available and
has terraform state locking compatibility to avoid problems later.